每日一词∣全体人民住有所居 meet the housing needs of all people

每日一词∣全体人民住有所居 meet the housing needs of all people 住房和城乡建设部近日表示,我国已建成世界上最大住房保障体系,“十四五”时期,将以发展保障性租赁住房为重点,进...

capital of China, Oct. 16, 2022. Xi Jinping said that China must strive to build a modern socialist country in all respects under the rule of law.

目前,gallery all /凹空间正在开设首展——“first of all,”,该展览集中呈现了13位设计师近50件作品。 据悉,本次展览活动将“first of aii,”主题划分为:目光先于言语、沉默剧场、幻觉...

The Party proscribes all forms of personality cult. It shall be ensured that the activities of Party leaders are subject to oversight by the Party and the people, while at the same time upholding the standing of all leaders who represent the intere...

Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you I give you all of me And you give me all of you 没有你的蜜语甜言,我该如何生存 你时而热情似火,时而冷若冰霜 让我天旋地转...

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